An online Outbreak Risk Assessment Tool for Care Settings (Care OBRA Tool) has been used by the UKHSA South West Health Protection Team (HPT) since 31st January 2022.

It is used by Adult Social Care (ASC) settings reporting new outbreaks of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI’s) including COVID-19, Influenza (flu), unidentified ARI (e.g., chest infections), and single cases of Influenza.

Due to its success, this Care OBRA Tool has been developed further to allow care settings to report ARI outbreaks directly online via a new web-based Care OBRA Tool without needing to call/email the HPT first, thus saving valuable time.

This new web-based Care OBRA Tool being launched 22nd August 2023, incorporates a degree of automation to the assessment process and advice given, so that providers receive a copy of their submitted information immediately and an initial advice email based on the infection and risks reported.

SW HPT staff will still review the data manually and provide further advice when required.

The following link will take you to the new web-based Care OBRA Tool:

Further information can be found here and here.